Declaring and Deploying Your Contract

We will use Starkli to declare and deploy a smart contract on Starknet. Make sure that Starkli is installed on your device. You can check out the starkli book for more information.

We will need an account, so first we will create one. If you already have one, you can skip this step and move directly to the part where we declare our contract.

Creating a new account:

You should move to the directory where you want to access your account keystores, and then create a new folder for the wallet.

$ mkdir ./starkli-wallet

Create a new signer. You will be instructed to enter a password to encrypt your private key:

$ starkli signer keystore new ./starkli-wallet/keystore.json

After this command, the path of the encrypted keystore file is shown which will be needed during the declaration and deployment of the contract.

Export the keystore path in order not to call --keystore in every command:

$ export STARKNET_KEYSTORE="./starkli-wallet/keystore.json"

Initialize the account with the following command using OpenZeppelin's class deployed on Starknet.

$ starkli account oz init ./starkli-wallet/account.json

After this command, the address of the account is shown once it is deployed along with the deploy command. Deploy the account:

$ starkli account deploy ./starkli-wallet/account.json

This command wants you to fund the address (given in the instructions below the command) in order to deploy the account on the Starknet Sepolia Testnet. We need Starknet Sepolia testnet ethers which could be obtained from this faucet.

Once the transaction is confirmed on the faucet page, press ENTER, and the account will be deployed on Starknet Sepolia! Try to find your account on Voyager Sepolia!

Declaring & Deploying your Contract:

Firstly, you need to declare your contract which will create a class on Starknet Sepolia. Note that we will use the Sierra program in ./target/ProjectName_ContractName.contract_class.json in your Scarb folder.

If you are deploying a contract code that is already used, you can skip the declaration step because the class hash is already declared on the network. One example of this is when you are deploying common contract instances such as ERC20 or ERC721 contracts.

Note: The command below is written to run in the directory of the Scarb folder.

$ starkli declare \
  --keystore /path/to/starkli-wallet/keystore.json \
  --account /path/to/starkli-wallet/account.json \
  --watch ./target/dev/simple_storage_SimpleStorage.contract_class.json

After this command, the class hash for your contract is declared. You should be able to find the hash under the command:

Class hash declared:

Check the Voyager Class Page. Now, it's time to deploy the contract. Add the class hash given above after --watch:

$ starkli deploy \
  --keystore /path/to/starkli-wallet/keystore.json \
  --account /path/to/starkli-wallet/account.json \
  --watch 0x05c8c21062a74e3c8f2015311d7431e820a08a6b0a9571422b607429112d2eb4

You should now see the address of the deployed contract. Congratulations, you have deployed your contract on Starknet Sepolia Testnet! Check the Voyager Contract Page to see your contract! Additionally, you can also find all contract instances of a given class on the Voyager Class Page as well, for example, this page.

Last change: 2024-10-03, commit: 70be4b9