This is the Cairo adaptation of the Solidity by example TimeLock.
use starknet::account::Call;
pub trait ITimeLock<TState> {
fn get_tx_id(self: @TState, call: Call, timestamp: u64) -> felt252;
fn queue(ref self: TState, call: Call, timestamp: u64) -> felt252;
fn execute(ref self: TState, call: Call, timestamp: u64) -> Span<felt252>;
fn cancel(ref self: TState, tx_id: felt252);
pub mod TimeLock {
use core::poseidon::{PoseidonTrait, poseidon_hash_span};
use core::hash::HashStateTrait;
use starknet::{get_caller_address, get_block_timestamp, syscalls};
use starknet::account::Call;
use components::ownable::ownable_component;
use starknet::storage::{Map, StorageMapReadAccess, StorageMapWriteAccess};
component!(path: ownable_component, storage: ownable, event: OwnableEvent);
// Ownable
impl OwnableImpl = ownable_component::Ownable<ContractState>;
impl OwnableInternalImpl = ownable_component::OwnableInternalImpl<ContractState>;
struct Storage {
ownable: ownable_component::Storage,
queued: Map::<felt252, bool>,
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
pub enum Event {
OwnableEvent: ownable_component::Event,
Queue: Queue,
Execute: Execute,
Cancel: Cancel,
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
pub struct Queue {
pub tx_id: felt252,
pub call: Call,
pub timestamp: u64,
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
pub struct Execute {
pub tx_id: felt252,
pub call: Call,
pub timestamp: u64,
#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
pub struct Cancel {
pub tx_id: felt252,
pub const MIN_DELAY: u64 = 10; // seconds
pub const MAX_DELAY: u64 = 1000; // seconds
pub const GRACE_PERIOD: u64 = 1000; // seconds
pub mod Errors {
pub const ALREADY_QUEUED: felt252 = 'TimeLock: already queued';
pub const TIMESTAMP_NOT_IN_RANGE: felt252 = 'TimeLock: timestamp range';
pub const NOT_QUEUED: felt252 = 'TimeLock: not queued';
pub const TIMESTAMP_NOT_PASSED: felt252 = 'TimeLock: timestamp not passed';
pub const TIMESTAMP_EXPIRED: felt252 = 'TimeLock: timestamp expired';
fn constructor(ref self: ContractState) {
impl TimeLockImpl of super::ITimeLock<ContractState> {
fn get_tx_id(self: @ContractState, call: Call, timestamp: u64) -> felt252 {
fn queue(ref self: ContractState, call: Call, timestamp: u64) -> felt252 {
let tx_id = self.get_tx_id(self._copy_call(@call), timestamp);
assert(!self.queued.read(tx_id), Errors::ALREADY_QUEUED);
// ---|------------|---------------|-------
// block block + min block + max
let block_timestamp = get_block_timestamp();
timestamp >= block_timestamp
+ MIN_DELAY && timestamp <= block_timestamp
self.queued.write(tx_id, true);
self.emit(Queue { tx_id, call: self._copy_call(@call), timestamp });
fn execute(ref self: ContractState, call: Call, timestamp: u64) -> Span<felt252> {
let tx_id = self.get_tx_id(self._copy_call(@call), timestamp);
assert(self.queued.read(tx_id), Errors::NOT_QUEUED);
// ----|-------------------|-------
// timestamp timestamp + grace period
let block_timestamp = get_block_timestamp();
assert(block_timestamp >= timestamp, Errors::TIMESTAMP_NOT_PASSED);
assert(block_timestamp <= timestamp + GRACE_PERIOD, Errors::TIMESTAMP_EXPIRED);
self.queued.write(tx_id, false);
let result = syscalls::call_contract_syscall(call.to, call.selector, call.calldata)
self.emit(Execute { tx_id, call: self._copy_call(@call), timestamp });
fn cancel(ref self: ContractState, tx_id: felt252) {
assert(self.queued.read(tx_id), Errors::NOT_QUEUED);
self.queued.write(tx_id, false);
self.emit(Cancel { tx_id });
impl InternalImpl of InternalTrait {
fn _copy_call(self: @ContractState, call: @Call) -> Call {
Call { to: *call.to, selector: *call.selector, calldata: *call.calldata }