Component-Contract Storage Collisions
Components can declare their own storage variables.
When a contract uses a component, the component storage is merged with the contract storage. The storage layout is only determined by the variables names, so variables with the same name will collide.
A good practice is to prefix the component storage variables with the component name, as shown in the Switchable component example.
Here's an example of a collision on the switchable_value
storage variable of the Switchable
pub trait ISwitchCollision<TContractState> {
fn set(ref self: TContractState, value: bool);
fn get(ref self: TContractState) -> bool;
Here's the storage of the contract:
struct Storage {
switchable_value: bool,
switch: switchable_component::Storage,
Both the contract and the component have a switchable_value
storage variable, so they collide:
fn test_collision() {
let (mut contract, mut contract_iswitch) = deploy();
assert_eq!(contract.get(), false);
assert_eq!(contract_iswitch.is_on(), false);
assert_eq!(contract_iswitch.is_on(), true);
assert_eq!(contract.get(), true);
// `collision` between component storage 'value' and contract storage 'value'
assert_eq!(contract.get(), contract_iswitch.is_on());
assert_eq!(contract.get(), contract_iswitch.is_on());