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Strings and ByteArrays

In Cairo, there's no native type for strings. Instead, you can use a single felt252 to store a short string or a ByteArray for strings of arbitrary length.

Short strings

Each character is encoded on 8 bits following the ASCII standard, so it's possible to store up to 31 characters in a single felt252.

Short strings are declared with single quotes, like this: 'Hello, World!'. See the Felt section for more information about short strings with the felt252 type.

ByteArray (Long strings)

The ByteArray struct is used to store strings of arbitrary length. It contains a field data of type Array<bytes31> to store a sequence of short strings.

ByteArrays are declared with double quotes, like this: "Hello, World!".

They can be stored in the contract's storage and passed as arguments to entrypoints.

pub mod MessageContract {
    use starknet::storage::{StoragePointerReadAccess, StoragePointerWriteAccess};
    struct Storage {
        pub message: ByteArray,
    fn constructor(ref self: ContractState) {
    impl MessageContract of super::IMessage<ContractState> {
        fn append(ref self: ContractState, str: ByteArray) {
            self.message.write( + str);
        fn prepend(ref self: ContractState, str: ByteArray) {
            self.message.write(str +;


ByteArrays also provide a set of operations that facilitate the manipulation of strings. Here are the available operations on an instance of ByteArray:

  • append(mut other: @ByteArray) - Append another ByteArray to the current one.
  • append_word(word: felt252, len: usize) - Append a short string to the ByteArray. You need to ensure that len is at most 31 and that word can be converted to a bytes31 with maximum len bytes/characters.
  • append_byte(byte: felt252) - Append a single byte/character to the end of the ByteArray.
  • len() -> usize - Get the length of the ByteArray.
  • at(index: usize) -> Option<u8> - Access the character at the given index.
  • rev() -> ByteArray - Return a new ByteArray with the characters of the original one in reverse order.
  • append_word_rev(word: felt252, len: usize) - Append a short string to the ByteArray in reverse order. You need to ensure again that len is at most 31 and that word can be converted to a bytes31 with maximum len bytes/characters.

Additionally, there are some operations that can be called as static functions:

  • concat(left: @ByteArray, right: @ByteArray) - Concatenate two ByteArrays.

Concatenation of ByteArray (with append(mut other: @ByteArray)) can also be done with the + and += operators directly, and access to a specific index can be done with the [] operator (with the maximum index being len() - 1).

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