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Maps are a fundamental key-value data structure in Cairo smart contracts that allow you to store and retrieve values using unique keys. The Map type in starknet::storage is specifically designed for contract storage for this purpose.

Here's a simple example that demonstrates how to use a Map:

mod MapContract {
    use super::IMapContract;
    use starknet::ContractAddress;
    use starknet::storage::{Map, StorageMapReadAccess, StorageMapWriteAccess};
    struct Storage {
        map: Map<ContractAddress, felt252>,
    impl MapContractImpl of IMapContract<ContractState> {
        fn set(ref self: ContractState, key: ContractAddress, value: felt252) {
  , value);
        fn get(self: @ContractState, key: ContractAddress) -> felt252 {

Let's break down the key components:

  • Declaration: Maps are declared using Map<KeyType, ValueType> syntax
  • Storage: Maps must be declared inside the contract's Storage struct
    • You need to import the StorageMapReadAccess and StorageMapWriteAccess traits from starknet::storage
  • Operations:
    • write(key, value): Stores a value for a given key
    • read(key): Retrieves the value associated with a key
  • Maps automatically initialize all values to zero
  • Keys and values must be of valid storage types, see Storing Custom Types

Composite Keys

For more complex scenarios, you can use composite keys by combining multiple values:

// Example: ERC20 allowance mapping
Map<(ContractAddress, ContractAddress), felt252>  // (owner, spender) -> amount

Storage Layout (advanced)

Under the hood, Cairo maps use a deterministic storage layout:

  • Each key-value pair is stored at a unique address calculated using Pedersen hashes
  • The address formula is: h(...h(h(sn_keccak(name),k1),k2),...,kn)\text{h}(...\text{h}(\text{h}(\text{sn\_keccak}(name),k_1),k_2),...,k_n) mod 22512562^{251} - 256
  • Learn more in the Starknet Documentation
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