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System Calls (Syscalls)

System calls (syscalls) are the interface between Starknet smart contracts and the Starknet Operating System (OS). They provide essential functionalities for:

  • Reading blockchain state and context
  • Contract interactions (deployment, calls)
  • Event emission
  • Cross-layer communication
  • Storage operations

All syscalls return a SyscallResult type, which can be either Success or Failure, enabling proper error handling in your contracts.

Available Syscalls

Blockchain State

Contract Operations

Events and Messaging

Storage Operations

Cryptographic Operations

Detailed Reference


fn get_block_hash_syscall(block_number: u64) -> SyscallResult<felt252>

Retrieves the hash of a specific block by its number. Only works for blocks within the range [first_v0_12_0_block, current_block - 10].


fn get_execution_info_v2_syscall() -> SyscallResult<Box<starknet::info::v2::ExecutionInfo>>
fn get_execution_info_syscall() -> SyscallResult<Box<starknet::info::ExecutionInfo>>

Returns information about the current execution context.


fn get_class_hash_at_syscall(contract_address: ContractAddress) -> SyscallResult<ClassHash>

Returns the class hash of a contract at a specific address.


fn call_contract_syscall(
    address: ContractAddress,
    entry_point_selector: felt252,
    calldata: Span<felt252>
) -> SyscallResult<Span<felt252>>

Calls a contract at the specified address. Failures cannot be caught and will revert the entire transaction.


fn deploy_syscall(
    class_hash: ClassHash,
    contract_address_salt: felt252,
    calldata: Span<felt252>,
    deploy_from_zero: bool,
) -> SyscallResult<(ContractAddress, Span::<felt252>)>

Deploys a new contract instance. Returns the deployed address and constructor result.

The Simple Factory uses the deploy syscall under the hood:

        fn create_counter_at(ref self: ContractState, init_value: u128) -> ContractAddress {
            // Constructor arguments
            let mut constructor_calldata: Array::<felt252> = array![init_value.into()];
            // Contract deployment
            let (deployed_address, _) = deploy_syscall(
      , 0, constructor_calldata.span(), false,


fn emit_event_syscall(
    keys: Span<felt252>,
    data: Span<felt252>
) -> SyscallResult<()>

Emits an event with indexed keys and data values.

See the Events section for more information:

            self.emit(Event::CounterIncreased(CounterIncreased { amount }));
                        UserIncreaseCounter {
                            user: get_caller_address(), new_value:,


fn library_call_syscall(
    class_hash: ClassHash,
    function_selector: felt252,
    calldata: Span<felt252>
) -> SyscallResult<Span<felt252>>

Makes a delegate call to execute code from another contract class within the current contract's context. Similar to Ethereum's delegatecall but limited to a single class.


fn send_message_to_l1_syscall(
    to_address: felt252,
    payload: Span<felt252>
) -> SyscallResult<()>

Sends a message to an Ethereum (L1) contract.


fn replace_class_syscall(
    class_hash: ClassHash
) -> SyscallResult<()>

Upgrades the contract's code by replacing its class hash.

This syscall is used in Upgradeable Contract:

        fn upgrade(ref self: ContractState, impl_hash: ClassHash) {
            assert(impl_hash.is_non_zero(), 'Class hash cannot be zero');
            self.emit(Event::Upgraded(Upgraded { implementation: impl_hash }))


fn storage_read_syscall(
    address_domain: u32,
    address: StorageAddress,
) -> SyscallResult<felt252>

Low-level storage read operation.


fn storage_write_syscall(
    address_domain: u32,
    address: StorageAddress,
    value: felt252
) -> SyscallResult<()>

Low-level storage write operation.


fn keccak_syscall(input: Span<u64>) -> SyscallResult<u256>

Computes the Keccak hash of the input data as a little-endian 256-bit number, where input is a Span of 64-bits little-endian words.

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