Factory Pattern

The factory pattern is a well known pattern in object oriented programming. It provides an abstraction on how to instantiate a class.

In the case of smart contracts, we can use this pattern by defining a factory contract that has the sole responsibility of creating and managing other contracts.

Class hash and contract instance

In Starknet, there's a separation between contract's classes and instances. A contract class serves as a blueprint, defined by the underlying Cairo bytecode, contract's entrypoints, ABI and Sierra program hash. The contract class is identified by a class hash. When you want to add a new class to the network, you first need to declare it.

When deploying a contract, you need to specify the class hash of the contract you want to deploy. Each instance of a contract has their own storage regardless of the class hash.

Using the factory pattern, we can deploy multiple instances of the same contract class and handle upgrades easily.

Minimal example

Here's a minimal example of a factory contract that deploys the SimpleCounter contract:

pub use starknet::{ContractAddress, ClassHash};

pub trait ICounterFactory<TContractState> {
    /// Create a new counter contract from stored arguments
    fn create_counter(ref self: TContractState) -> ContractAddress;

    /// Create a new counter contract from the given arguments
    fn create_counter_at(ref self: TContractState, init_value: u128) -> ContractAddress;

    /// Update the argument
    fn update_init_value(ref self: TContractState, init_value: u128);

    /// Update the class hash of the Counter contract to deploy when creating a new counter
    fn update_counter_class_hash(ref self: TContractState, counter_class_hash: ClassHash);

pub mod CounterFactory {
    use starknet::{ContractAddress, ClassHash, SyscallResultTrait, syscalls::deploy_syscall};
    use starknet::storage::{StoragePointerReadAccess, StoragePointerWriteAccess};

    struct Storage {
        /// Store the constructor arguments of the contract to deploy
        init_value: u128,
        /// Store the class hash of the contract to deploy
        counter_class_hash: ClassHash,

    fn constructor(ref self: ContractState, init_value: u128, class_hash: ClassHash) {

    impl Factory of super::ICounterFactory<ContractState> {
        fn create_counter_at(ref self: ContractState, init_value: u128) -> ContractAddress {
            // Constructor arguments
            let mut constructor_calldata: Array::<felt252> = array![init_value.into()];

            // Contract deployment
            let (deployed_address, _) = deploy_syscall(
                self.counter_class_hash.read(), 0, constructor_calldata.span(), false


        fn create_counter(ref self: ContractState) -> ContractAddress {

        fn update_init_value(ref self: ContractState, init_value: u128) {

        fn update_counter_class_hash(ref self: ContractState, counter_class_hash: ClassHash) {

mod tests {
    use super::{CounterFactory, ICounterFactoryDispatcher, ICounterFactoryDispatcherTrait};
    use starknet::{SyscallResultTrait, ClassHash, syscalls::deploy_syscall};

    // Define a target contract to deploy
    mod target {
        pub trait ISimpleCounter<TContractState> {
            fn get_current_count(self: @TContractState) -> u128;
            fn increment(ref self: TContractState);
            fn decrement(ref self: TContractState);

        pub mod SimpleCounter {
            use starknet::storage::{StoragePointerReadAccess, StoragePointerWriteAccess};

            struct Storage {
                // Counter variable
                counter: u128,

            fn constructor(ref self: ContractState, init_value: u128) {
                // Store initial value

            impl SimpleCounter of super::ISimpleCounter<ContractState> {
                fn get_current_count(self: @ContractState) -> u128 {

                fn increment(ref self: ContractState) {
                    // Store counter value + 1
                    let mut counter: u128 = self.counter.read() + 1;
                fn decrement(ref self: ContractState) {
                    // Store counter value - 1
                    let mut counter: u128 = self.counter.read() - 1;
    use target::ISimpleCounterDispatcherTrait;

    /// Deploy a counter factory contract
    fn deploy_factory(
        counter_class_hash: ClassHash, init_value: u128
    ) -> ICounterFactoryDispatcher {
        let mut constructor_calldata: Array::<felt252> = array![
            init_value.into(), counter_class_hash.into()

        let (contract_address, _) = deploy_syscall(

        ICounterFactoryDispatcher { contract_address }

    fn test_deploy_counter_constructor() {
        let init_value = 10;

        let counter_class_hash: ClassHash = target::SimpleCounter::TEST_CLASS_HASH
        let factory = deploy_factory(counter_class_hash, init_value);

        let counter_address = factory.create_counter();
        let counter = target::ISimpleCounterDispatcher { contract_address: counter_address };

        assert_eq!(counter.get_current_count(), init_value);

    fn test_deploy_counter_argument() {
        let init_value = 10;
        let argument_value = 20;

        let counter_class_hash: ClassHash = target::SimpleCounter::TEST_CLASS_HASH
        let factory = deploy_factory(counter_class_hash, init_value);

        let counter_address = factory.create_counter_at(argument_value);
        let counter = target::ISimpleCounterDispatcher { contract_address: counter_address };

        assert_eq!(counter.get_current_count(), argument_value);

    fn test_deploy_multiple() {
        let init_value = 10;
        let argument_value = 20;

        let counter_class_hash: ClassHash = target::SimpleCounter::TEST_CLASS_HASH
        let factory = deploy_factory(counter_class_hash, init_value);

        let mut counter_address = factory.create_counter();
        let counter_1 = target::ISimpleCounterDispatcher { contract_address: counter_address };

        counter_address = factory.create_counter_at(argument_value);
        let counter_2 = target::ISimpleCounterDispatcher { contract_address: counter_address };

        assert_eq!(counter_1.get_current_count(), init_value);
        assert_eq!(counter_2.get_current_count(), argument_value);

This factory can be used to deploy multiple instances of the SimpleCounter contract by calling the create_counter and create_counter_at functions.

The SimpleCounter class hash is stored inside the factory, and can be upgraded with the update_counter_class_hash function which allows to reuse the same factory contract when the SimpleCounter contract is upgraded.

Note: This minimal example lacks several useful features such as access control, tracking of deployed contracts, events etc.

Last change: 2024-10-03, commit: 70be4b9